Last week, I was sailing towards Dubrovnik, and the weather was very variable. In the morning no wind, than slowly increasing to a lovely sailing wind, and then thunderstorms accompanied by rain, but not by wind. After the thunderstorms, it was back to a lovely sailing breeze. With just the genoa hoisted, I was sailing 3-4 knots towards Dubrovnik. Quite a while there was a larger sailing boat behind me, sailing in the same direction. The boat was sailing a bit faster, so the boat was slowly gaining on me. Then I heard the music playing on their boat, and the two boats were close to each other. I waved cheerfully and shouted:" see you in Dubrovnik!". The 3 men shouted back: " we are cooking spagetti in Dubrovnik, will you join us?".
The Austrian boat just passed me. |
Sure, that would be nice. Because they were sailing a little faster than I was, I added: " I will be a little late!". No problem. Unfortunately within minutes the wind died completely, so we had to engine the last bit. Just about at the same time, the both boats arrived in port. The spagetti tasted great, and the company was excellent.
Madame Curie (picture taken from the Austrian yacht). |
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